Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What it Takes to Build an Even Me Panel:

Number One: A professional carpenter. I have gotten away with building panels on my own in the past. I can handle the wood, the saw (with a chaperone), the drill, and all that goes into building a panel, really. However, handling it doesn't mean I can master it. Therefore, hiring a professional to build professional panels is a smart investment. Thank you, Brandy Holland. 
Number Two: 8' x 4' sheets of luaun.
Number Three: Primer.
Number Four: Spray Adhesive: heavy duty!
Number Five: 4" thick boards for the frame.
Number Six: Original African fabric. One for each panel. 
Number Seven: Time. Lots of it. 
And Number Eight, the most obvious: My generous backers! You have given me the resources to purchase these materials! I wouldn't be building anything if it weren't for you. Thank you, backers!
And, this isn't necessary, but it's fun to document the progress. So, thank you, Mom, for filming the event!
The frame wrapped with African fabric:
And the final white panel hanging on the wall. Soon to be painted on... 

And the short video for your entertainment:

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Even me, I am loved.

They say to keep your eye on the light at the end of the tunnel; thankfully, I have found that light. My overbooked autumn has come to an end: I have settled into a new town, I am getting the hang of my adult job, my sister is happily married, around forty Even Me rewards have been shipped (please let me know if you didn’t receive yours), and I have managed to travel to Tanzania, Kenya, and the British Virgin Islands in the last two weeks. Although somewhat jetlagged, I feel at rest, unhurried, and at ease with life. 

My Tanzanian reunion was worth every yawn, back pain, and sleepless hour. The embraces of twenty-four enthusiastic children knocked me to the ground, and after hugs and dirt stains, the children serenaded me with an original, “we ah hoppy to see Mees John-uh (we are happy to see Miss Jenna)” song that was evidently rehearsed more than once. With the short amount of time I had in Tanzania, I was able to film the kids sharing their ideas about ‘Even Me’, catch up with my friends, and see the physical and mental growth of my students. Most importantly, this trip reminded me of why I began Even Me in the first place. 

The orphanage in Tanzania is continually growing in numbers. Even  Me was conceptualized while twenty-four orphans were at the village. When I left the village in July, there were twenty-seven orphans; there are now thirty-one and the village will continue to expand. Part of me feels guilty about meeting new, wonderful children, and not including them into my project. On the other hand, adding an Even Me painting to every child that joins the village is overwhelming and unrealistic. Thus, I’ve decided that Even Me is a snapshot in time, a brief moment captured, a memoir of my year in Africa. 

Now that I’m back to normal life in Deland, Even Me is constantly whispering in my ear, “Paint, paint, paint!” I will start and finish building the twenty-four wooden panels while I’m in Pensacola for Christmas. And, until then, I will be composing a short film of my time in Tanzania (which will be out within the week). I’m looking forward to 2012 as it will be filled with oil paint, African fabric, and tangible pieces of art.

I realize my posts always end with a ‘thank you’ to my backers, but I am truly grateful for this opportunity to share the culture of Tanzania, the small voices of abandoned children, and a large chunk of my heart. Thank you. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Health, weddings, and a new job!

To my lovely patrons:
I want to apologize for the delay in sending out rewards.  I was aiming to mail your rewards by early September; unfortunately, unanticipated events took precedence this summer.  In other words, life got in the way.  After moving from Pensacola this past week, beginning a new job, and getting somewhat settled, I plan on finishing your rewards as soon as possible!  Thanks for your understanding and patience in this process – I promise it will be worth the wait!
A picture to prove that I'm still alive:

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Africa ---> America

I cannot believe 90 days has gone so quickly.  I have less than five days until I get my funding for Even Me!  For all my backers, I'll have you know that your rewards will be finding you within the month of August (except for the $1,000 reward of course).
I have now been home for 2 1/2 weeks.  It's been an interesting transition from Africa to America.  However, I am grateful to be able to start this wonderful project in just a few weeks!
Happy August!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fighting for Fame.

Even Me photographs have been more challenging to capture than I thought.  Not to fear, the raw data will be flawless, it's just come to my attention that I have overlooked some minor, yet critical, details.

For one, I'm using natural lighting for my photography, and therefore am dependent on soft, overcast skies, not bright sunshine, which is typical for Tanzania 10 months out of the year.  Thankfully, since we're coming out of rainy season and into winter, clouds are prevalent during the daytime.

Furthermore, although I've been working with children for the past year and have learned this lesson multiple times, I always forget that if one child is receiving a tid bit of attention, the rest of the crew flocks towards the provider in an effort to be noticed.  "Teacha, Mees Jenna, teacha!  You ah doing what?  Me, can I take a peach-uh?" This combination does not work well when only one child is needed per frame (hence the unexpected hand screaming, "Let me in the peach-uh").

Nonetheless, any time spent with these children in the next three weeks, whether it demands patience or not, is a treasured blessing to me.  I'm eager to begin this ginormous project and am thankful for all of you, my lovely patrons.

Monday, May 30, 2011

a risky mission

Twenty pieces of brightly colored African fabric that I've been strategically purchasing for the past 9 months are now en route to America as we know it.  A portion of my Even Me project is meeting my destiny: home. 

Only four pieces short of completion, I hesitantly handed over the treasured fabric to my father who was on his way home after an unforgettable visit in Moshi, (thanks again for experiencing life in Africa, Dad)!  Nonetheless, he took on the dangerous task of safely transporting irreplaceable Tanzanian fabric thousands of miles to America.  Not anyone could be given this opportunity, this privilege, and yet huge responsibility; only those who deem themselves worthwhile and dependable.  However, due to blood relation and a backer of my Even Me project, I graciously granted my father this mission.  And really, who would decline such an offer?  

He promised me he'd securely hide the fabric (not telling where) until I find myself home in six weeks.  Even so, just in case he or any other individual happens to confuse my fabric with African souvenirs, I strung the material together with yarn and an explicit note:  Please do NOT go through this fabric : Material for Even Me!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


It's hard to think I only have a month and a half left with these beautiful children I've grown so close to.  I'm grateful that this project can be started upon my return to the states; it will only help to relive the giggles, smiles, accents, gestures, and personalities of each child.    

Friday, May 20, 2011


It's a great start to the day when you wake up, take a shower, start the kettle, and open your computer to learn that your project on kickstarter is completely funded - and more!  
I cannot believe my goal of $3,000 has been reached in less than 14 days!  It just proves how wonderfully generous and supportive my friends are. Thank you so much.

This is me right when I found out the news - swollen-eyed (before the coffee) yet so very excited and quite surprised: 
You can check out my project by clicking on the Even Me link in the sidebar! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Due to my incredibly generous friends, I have reached 65% of my funding in less than a week! Wowsers!  Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support towards Even Me.  

Behind the scenes of a preliminary photo-shoot: 

photos by Lydia Nickels

Sunday, May 8, 2011

even me.

Yes, I'm starting a new blog.  
Do not fear, I will not neglect my current blog, www.morethorp.wordpress.com, so please continue reading it.  This new blog will specifically be used to update you about my project, Even Me, from start to finish.  I will post my progress, photographs, thoughts, paintings, ideas, and behind the scenes info.  This is the beginning.  The first, and one of the most important steps, is getting this project idea out of my head and into yours.  I recently launched my project idea on http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1286252182/even-me, and would be honored if you checked it out.  I hope to reach my goal of $3,000 before August 5 so I can begin to paint when I return from Africa.  
Your constant support in my life deserves a smile, hug, and a truly spoken thank you.