Twenty pieces of brightly colored African fabric that I've been strategically purchasing for the past 9 months are now en route to America as we know it. A portion of my Even Me project is meeting my destiny: home.
Only four pieces short of completion, I hesitantly handed over the treasured fabric to my father who was on his way home after an unforgettable visit in Moshi, (thanks again for experiencing life in Africa, Dad)! Nonetheless, he took on the dangerous task of safely transporting irreplaceable Tanzanian fabric thousands of miles to America. Not anyone could be given this opportunity, this privilege, and yet huge responsibility; only those who deem themselves worthwhile and dependable. However, due to blood relation and a backer of my Even Me project, I graciously granted my father this mission. And really, who would decline such an offer?
He promised me he'd securely hide the fabric (not telling where) until I find myself home in six weeks. Even so, just in case he or any other individual happens to confuse my fabric with African souvenirs, I strung the material together with yarn and an explicit note: Please do NOT go through this fabric : Material for Even Me!